Meet the Principal

3 years ago

Ivy Meierotto, Washburn Elementary Principal

Hello, my name is Ivy Meierotto and I am the principal here at Washburn Elementary.  My family and I are originally from Washburn.  I went to Washburn Elementary and graduated from Washburn High School.  I then went to college at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (Go Badgers!) where I earned a degree in Elementary Education.  After graduating from college, I returned home and started teaching 2nd and 3rd grade here in Washburn.  I then moved to kindergarten where I taught for 6 years.  Kindergarten was so much fun!  After that, I spent one year as an instructional coach and then transitioned to the Elementary Principal position, where I am today.

Over the past eleven years, I have earned two Master’s degrees, one in education and one in educational administration.  In addition to being a principal, I also have my Director of Instruction license and am the Director of Curriculum and Assessment for the Washburn School District.

Besides learning everything I can about child development and public education, I also love to read books about people and places I’ve never seen, spend time outdoors (hiking, gardening, or hanging out at the beach), and cheering on the Wisconsin sports teams!  I have a family of four (plus a dog, a rabbit, and a goldfish) and we love to do art projects, play games, and try out new recipes.


I love hearing from both students and community members so never hesitate to reach out.  I am available by email ( by phone (715-373-6199 ext. 209) or even by mail (P.O. Box 730 Washburn, WI 54891).  Things get pretty busy during the school year (check out my sample schedule to see what a day in the life of a principal looks like!) so if I don’t answer right away, please know that hearing from you is important to me, and that I will return your message as soon as I can!

A Day in the Life of a Principal

3 years ago

Ms. Ivy's Schedule

Every day is different, but the schedule below will give you an idea of what it's like being the principal for a day!

7:30 – Morning Connections:  My day usually starts around 7:30 and the first thing I do is also my favorite thing to do – visit with students!  You might see me talking with families outside in front of the school, checking in with students in the hallways or lunchroom, or working with teachers to adjust the schedule for the day.


8:30 – Check Ins:  Once all the students and teachers get settled in for the day, I walk around the school checking in with each classroom to make sure they have everything they need for a great day.


9:00 – Administrative Meetings:  Each week, I work closely with the Middle School/High School Principal as well as the District Administrator.  In our meetings we work on budgeting and finance, buildings and grounds, staffing and schedules, professional development, curriculum and instruction, and more!  Not only are we working on projects that are happening right now, we also work on putting improvements in place for the future.


10:00 – Classroom Observations:  Another awesome thing about being a principal is getting to see teaching and learning in action!  I join classrooms to see what students are learning and support teachers as they put new materials or practices into place.


11:00 – Student Meetings:  Every day I meet with students to set goals, develop skills, overcome challenges, and celebrate their success.  Going to the Principal’s Office used to mean a kid was in trouble… but that’s not true anymore.  I meet with students, teachers, and community members all the time and for all kinds of good reasons!


12:00 – Lunch:  The time I eat lunch changes each day but I always take a few minutes to eat something healthy.  I also love to get a quick walk in when the weather is nice!


12:30 – Team Meetings:  In addition to meeting with administrators and students, I also meet with teachers.  Each teacher is a member of a collaborative team (sometimes called a PLC or Professional Learning Community team).  These teams are extremely important and help guide the work of our entire district.  I join these meetings every day… sometimes multiple meetings per day!


1:30 – Check Ins:  Just like in the morning, it’s important for me to check back in with classrooms in the afternoon.  I make sure teachers have the materials they need for the rest of the day and that the schedule is running smoothly.  It’s also fun to see what each class is working on. 


2:00 – Communication:  Every day I receive lots of emails (usually over 100!) and some phone calls too.  I do my best to respond to each message as soon as possible.  Each student, teacher, and family have valuable input and bring something special to our diverse community.  Listening and learning with others is a top priority for me.  With a busy schedule, it can sometimes be difficult to respond that same day and I also take time to gather information, look for resources, and think creatively to solve the problem at hand before responding.  Every message is important to me though, and I appreciate all of the communication, feedback, and collaboration I receive from the Washburn Elementary community!


3:00 – End of the Day Connections:  I like to end the day the same way it starts, visiting with students!  I usually stand by the fish tank so I can say goodbye to each student as they leave but I also spend time outside by the buses or helping students pack up their backpacks in the hallway.


3:30 – More Meetings:  After students leave, I usually have one or two more meetings before I head home too.  Sometimes we have staff meetings for all of the teachers in the Elementary.  Other times, I have Curriculum Council, Professional Development, Long Range Planning, Policy, Personnel, Communications, School Board meetings, and more!